my orchid

my orchid

Thursday 8 March 2012

To help or be helped

Life is something that no one could guess what comes next in another second or minute. This is what we call it as fate..Only ALLAH knows what HE has /had planned on us the day we were born.Fate that we must believed in no matter what it takes.
       As a human , I've been through many good and bad experience in life whether in my personal or in my career life. However, facing it in an open mind and heart helps a lot so my life can keep on going as happy as I can be.
      At time as a mother of seven children, I really need help from people around me to keep me going and as a wife I need my husband to be by my side at any course of life. Yet , as a friend to help another friend is a good thing to do  as proverbs said that " a friend in need is a friend indeed". but to what extent does a friend's help needed to be a friend indeed?
As a teacher, what else could I do but to help my students to achieve the knowledge that they are suppose to get and learn.Helping them is my passion and their success is my success too so to what extent do they need to be helped or should they help  themselves too? Hence, life is where we need to help someone and in other time we ourselves need their help too. The help might not come from the person that we once helped but from others that sometimes not even our friends.This again what we call ALLAH's be THANKFUL to ALLAH at any circumstances of life.