my orchid

my orchid

Thursday 19 May 2011

my orchids

orkid butterfly
orkid bungo malai
purple my favourite

dah pupus
orkid ekor musang


 my favourite

ado bau .. 

butterfly orchid

my orange orchid
orkid hutan
okid malai another species

These orchids are my stress therapy... they bloom I'm Happy....They die I buy a new one... so I always have new orchids..Usually , I would buy the same species that died or sometimes new species, adding to my collections..

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The rabbits

         First pair of rabbits bought two years back....for my youngest daughter, Nor Wahidatul Najihah, as all her sibling were in either boarding schools or working somewhere else.. She loved the rabbits as her companion and her best friend then. It's okay for me as she did not disturbed me at home to play with her...Now she's 11 years old and stays in a hostel and the rabbits now counting up to 20 of them now....
        The problem is when there are a few bucks that fight with each other to gain their territory.. so my solution to separate them and two bucks were let out in the garden... and take turn to be in the hutch..
        Today , I was at the peek of my anger when these two bucks had chewed up my flowers and plants...I caught both of them and put them into a cage .. let alone for them to fight.. I don't bother...the first few hours they do fight... but then they began to get along nicely.. ha..ha plan works...
Anyway, my sons and husband plan to build up a new big hutch that can accommodate all the rabbits.. to slaughter them my daughter won't let me.. to sell..wait for  newborn.. sure I'll sell more space for them anymore....
 Any one interested??

Teacher's day

          Another special day for special people : THE TEACHERS......yet what's there to say.. every year the same agenda with the same locations and non other to show the appreciations to teachers. Though the PM had stress on the 5 good news to teachers but to what percents does the ordinary teachers get the benefits.. It always the top gun in schools that gets the credits... what about us...???? the ordinary teachers.. anything.. that  gives us at least a few percent of the benefits... as every  ordinary teachers knew that most of the schools' agenda or activities are  the ordinary teachers' commitments.
      The top guns justify what ever they want us to do.. we know that.. but please look over to our needs.. sometimes teachers have to work on weekends.. day and night just to make the activities done wonderfully for the sake of the ministry, JPN or the PPD.. yet what if mistakes done...?? the blame....?? the teachers have to handle them by themselves.. especially when involving parents...reporters... highlighted the blame..
      Some teachers elected and promoted as GPK's.. but the authorization are really given to them? Some do take it seriously but most of them take for granted the post and let the ordinary teachers get the blame and they got the good name... so.....we need to be happy as we sincerely do our work for the sake of the children and to make our pay 'HALAL'.
        Yesterday, another excellent ordinary teacher passed away..... MAY ALLAH BLESS her.. still at early forties, suffered cancer only detected two months ago... she was such an active teacher that at certain stage took along her small children to school just to complete unfinished work during weekends or school holidays.. she was really committed to her work that she denied her health so as her husband said..
       Again I wonder.. what do the education officers do to her family? Usually teachers do not have any priorities to the Education other  group of people in their fields... example  the arm force, their family and children have priorities to the body.
      It was told that the teachers' children are excellent in their studies.. Yes.... That might be true but how many percent actually excellent?? we are ordinary teachers that have ordinary children.. not all are excellent.. some yes but most are ordinary... though we sometimes wonder... we teachers manage to produce excellent students but not our own....just to think about .....


                                       HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY....