my orchid

my orchid

Sunday 18 December 2011

Stress and depression

             Everyone has stress and depression depending on how an individual manage them. As for me, the stress comes when  my feeling was hurt or touched deeply . Though I have lots of work to be done yet when my feeling is happy I'll manage everything happily and excellently. However , 2011 was my year of challenge.. I was challenged  to give good results in the previous examination yet I could not manage to achieve the target due to my workload and therefore lost my focus in my  L & T.  I've tried my best but the result does not come out as it should be. My boss could not accept that and keep on humiliating me in front others showing how great he is.. I knew that he is a great man in his time yet he couldn't simply pointing all the blames to me. In all his speeches, he kept saying that the accountability of whatever result will be on him, a fool as I am, thinking that he will be doing as what he said I may not be as frustrated as I am now.
               I was so frustrated and depressed as he not only blamed me to the underachiever of the target results but he also announced it during the good achievements the previous years. So we are the one that are clamped between the management and the clients i.e the students.Here we are again ,back to square one ,as another new year peep over us.Another year to go through with the same scenario and story.. Again and again, it repeats itself year after year.

1 comment:

  1. a dark experience that I need to face but a very fruitful one if taken positively..May God bless..
